Musiktipp der Woche 33/2013


  • Titel: Silver
  • Interpret: The Gray Havens
  • Album: Where Eyes Don’t Go
  • Genre: Folk / Pop
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erschienen: 26. Juni 2013
  • Dauer: 3:34 min
  • MP3 Qualität: 128 kbps | Grösse: 5,5 MB via Jamendo
  • Ogg Vorbis Qualität: 112 kbps | Grösse: 2,8 MB via Jamendo
  • FLAC verlustfrei | Grösse: 25,3 MB via Bandcamp
  • ALAC verlustfrei | Grösse: 25,9 MB via Bandcamp
  • Ogg Vorbis Qualität: 192 kbps | Grösse: 4,9 MB via Bandcamp
  • MP3 Qualität: VBR V0 | Grösse: 6,8 MB via Bandcamp
  • MP3 Qualität: 320 kbps | Grösse: 8,7 MB via Bandcamp
  • Hörerbewertung: [ratings id=“4210″]

Dave Radford und seine Ehefrau Licia aus Crystal Lake, Illinois (USA) bilden zusammen das Musik-Duo The Gray Havens. 2012 haben die Beiden ihr erstes Album aufgenommen, welches sie ein Jahr später unter eine Creative Commons-Lizenz stellten und seitdem auch zum freien Download anbieten. Wer mehr über das Duo erfahren möchte, findet auf deren Website eine kleine Biografie.

Lyrics / Songtext

We were sailing on waves of silver,
There were echoes in the wind,
When we raised our sails to capture them,
The ship was lifted up and in and we sang,
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

Now the country that we came from,
They play silver melodies,
And the kings and queens would write their dreams,
On silver pages we would read,
And we sang, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

We will cross any water any water,
And if we find, there’s a song that’s getting stronger,
We will sound all our silver songs,
And we will know if they belong.

Now the echoes were getting louder,
And a chorus filled the air,
When the voices fell they broke the spell,
That tied us to our silver chairs,
And we sang, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

We were taken through the shadows,
Were we carried through the night,
When the sun appeared,
My God my fears of silver melted in the light,
And we saw the world with different eyes,
And we sang

Oooooooh, Oooooooh, Oooooooh, Oooooooh.

We will cross any water any water,
And if we find, there’s a song that’s getting stronger,
We will sound all our silver songs,
And we will know if they belong,

We will sound all our silver songs,
And we will know if they belong.

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